Wednesday, June 1, 2011

6 Unanswered Movie Questions

Why do the cops get to the scene when the action is all over?
From the moment I have been thrust into this cold, cold, world by my mother and introduced to the world of movies, this scenario of cops getting late to the scene always seem to reoccur in every movie. This kind of beats my imagination every time. Time over time, the hero does all the hard work beating or killing all the baddies and when he finishes, the cops show up always late. What held them up in the first place?

What happens to the villains movie heroes beat up?

We all know Jackie Chan loathes killing in his films, instead he beats his detractors black and blue after which they fall on the floor moaning, clutching their bodies. Steven Seagal is even worse; he breaks body parts like tooth-pick and with consummate ease too without breaking sweat. Jason Statham is another case on savage brutality.This makes one wonder what happens to them after, do they get medical care or do they basically extinguish into nothingness. Well, guess we would never know.

What happens to victims of car crash scenes?

As movie enthusiasts, we are always quick to enjoy the stunts, twists and turns on major highways when the good guys chase the baddies in every movie. Even better, if our favourite actor is on a bike careening through traffic escaping the bad guys like Britney Spears eluding paparazzi. However, have we stopped to consider the mayhem they pursuer and pursued have left in their wake? Often, they leave a lot of innocent drivers needing their cars fixed and a whole lot of insurance papers to sign. I guess we don’t care about this, do we?

How exactly would the world end?

Earthquake? Meteors from space? A body eating virus? Scriptwriters of movie flicks especially the major blockbusters never seem to tire of concocting new ways in which to end the world. Funny though that it is always the United States of America that manages to save us every time. If you are a betting man, which world-ending scenario would you put your money on?

Do happily ever couples end in divorce?

Most of the romantic flicks we watch end up with guy-gets-dream girl scenario or vice versa. This also happens at points of departure like airport, train stations but have we wondered what happened after the end credits to these characters. Naturally, we assume, happily-ever after scenarios but with the high rate of divorces in this part of girl scenario or vice versa. Naturally, we assume, happily-ever after scenarios but with the high rate of divorces in this part of the world, our favourite lovebirds just might end up signing divorce papers and fighting for child custody.

Do Vampires see the dentist?

Whether the vampire is a handsome/beautiful high school teen, a hero who needs serum to quench blood lust or a reawakened villain, the theme of vampirism has been firmly entrenched in movies. Even a 2 year old knows that a vampire loves blood like George Bush does war and that the tool of trade of every vampire is his/her tooth. This boggles the mind as to whether they actually see a dentist when the occasional tooth aches occur or do they whiten their dental structure when stained with blood? A mystery it remains.

1 comment:

  1. i find u 2 b an interesting & creative writer....luv it....keep it up
    'Dipo Onaeko
